Friday, September 01, 2006


Listenin To: Call Me When You're Sober by Evanescense
Feelin': Good

So, ya, it's been a while. Here are some things that have been going on lately:

Football practice started a couple weeks ago, and has been going great. This year, they're starting me as Defensive Backer. A Backer plays on the line next to the end. I played o-line last year, and I am loving the change! Playing defense is so much fun, and I'm doing pretty good at it. My first game is this Sunday, we play AT Carollton, I was kinda wishin that we would have had our first game at home, oh well. We'll still kick butt!

School is starting this Tuesday, and yes, I am getting pretty excited. I'm starting Middle School this year, and am more ready for the change, rather than the actual work part. I got my schedule and am very happy with it. A lot of my friends are all kinda separated so that kinda stinks. But the one thing that I'm kinda worried about is the home work, cuz in Elementary School we NEVER got homework. It'll be a hard change...

The VMA's was on MTV last night, but I had to record it because the Varsity football game was last night. I watched it when I got home though, and it was pretty good. I was kinda disappointed in Justin Timberlake's performance,it wasn't like the original song, and I love SexyBack. Beyonce's performance was really cool though.

Well that's about it. I've just been hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and reading.

1 comment:

Chelle Belle said...

Good luck on your first day back to school!! Love ya! :)